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Revision: 1.3
Committed: Mon Oct 6 12:47:58 2003 UTC (21 years, 3 months ago) by pcg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: poll-based-iom, VPE-1_6_1, VPE_1_4, VPE_1_6, VPE_1_2
Changes since 1.2: +27 -17 lines
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*** empty log message ***

File Contents

# Content
1 =head1 The VPE Protocol
3 =head2 Anatomy of a VPN packet
5 The exact layout and field lengths of a VPN packet is determined at
6 compiletime and doesn't change. The same structure is used for all
7 protocols, be it rawip or tcp.
9 +------+------+--------+------+
11 +------+------+--------+------+
13 The HMAC field is present in all packets, even if not used (e.g. in auth
14 request packets), in which case it is set to all zeroes. The checksum
15 itself is over the TYPE, SRCDST and DATA fields in all cases.
17 The TYPE field is a single byte and determines the purpose of the packet
21 SRCDST is a three byte field which contains the source and destination
22 node ids (12 bits each). The protocol does not yet scale well beyond 30+
23 hosts, since all hosts connect to each other on startup. But if restarts
24 are rare or tolerable and most connections are on demand, larger networks
25 are possible.
27 The DATA portion differs between each packet type, naturally, and is the
28 only part that can be encrypted. Data packets contain more fields, as
29 shown:
31 +------+------+--------+------+-------+------+
33 +------+------+--------+------+-------+------+
35 RAND is a sequence of fully random bytes, used to increase the entropy of
36 the data for encryption purposes.
38 SEQNO is a 32-bit sequence number. It is negotiated at every connection
39 initialization and starts at some random 31 bit value. VPE currently uses
40 a sliding window of 512 packets to detect reordering, duplication and
41 reply attacks.
43 =head2 The authentification protocol
45 Before hosts can exchange packets, they need to establish authenticity of
46 the other side and a key. Every host has a private RSA key and the public
47 RSA keys of all other hosts.
49 A host establishes a simplex connection by sending the other host a
50 RSA encrypted challenge containing a random challenge (consisting of
51 the encryption key to use when sending packets, more random data and
52 PKCS1_OAEP padding) and a random 16 byte "challenge-id" (used to detect
53 duplicate auth packets). The destination host will respond by replying
54 with an (unencrypted) RIPEMD160 hash of the decrypted challenge, which
55 will authentify that host. The destination host will also set the outgoing
56 encryption parameters as given in the packet.
58 When the source host receives a correct auth reply (by verifying the
59 hash and the id, which will expire after 120 seconds), it will start to
60 accept data packets from the destination host.
62 This means that a host can only initate a simplex connection, telling the
63 other side the key it has to use when it sends packets. The challenge
64 reply is only used to set the current IP address and protocol parameters.
66 The protocol here is completely symmetric, so to be able to send packets
67 the destination host must send a challenge in the exact same way as
68 already described (so, in essence, two simplex connections are created per
69 host pair).
71 =head2 Retrying
73 When there is no response to an auth request, the host will send auth
74 requests in bursts with an exponential backoff. After some time it will
75 resort to PING packets, which are very small (8 byte) and lightweight (no
76 RSA operations). A host that receives ping requests from an unconnected
77 peer will respond by trying to create a connection.
79 In addition to the exponential backoff, there is a global rate-limit on
80 a per-ip base. It allows long bursts but will limit total packet rate to
81 something like one control packet every ten seconds, to avoid accidental
82 floods due to protocol problems (like a rsa key file mismatch between two
83 hosts).
85 =head2 Routing and Protocol translation
87 The vpe routing algorithm is easy: there isn't any routing. Vped always
88 tries to establish direct connections, if the protocol abilities of the
89 two hosts allow it.
91 If the two hosts should be able to reach each other (common protocol, ip
92 and port all known), but cannot (network down), then there will be no
93 connection, point.
95 A host can usually declare itself unreachable directly by setting it's
96 port number(s) to zero. It can declare other hosts as unreachable by using
97 a config-file that disables all protocols for these other hosts.
99 If two hosts cannot connect to each other because their IP address(es)
100 are not known (such as dialup hosts), one side will send a connection
101 request to a router (routers must be configured to act as routers!), which
102 will send both the originating and the destination host a connection info
103 request with protocol information and IP address of the other host (if
104 known). Both hosts will then try to establish a connection to the other
105 peer, which is usually possible even when both hosts are behind a NAT
106 gateway.
108 If the hosts cannot reach each other because they have no common protocol,
109 the originator instead use the router with highest priority and matching
110 protocol as peer. Since the SRCDST field is not encrypted, the router host
111 can just forward the packet to the destination host. Since each host uses
112 it's own private key, the router will not be able to decrypt or encrypt
113 packets, it will just act as a simple router and protocol translator.
115 When no router is connected, the host will aggressively try to connect to
116 all routers, and if a router is asked for an unconnected host it will try
117 to ask another router to establish the connection.
119 ... more not yet written about the details of the routing, please bug me
120 ...