$Revision: 1.46 $

KGS Protocol Description

This XML document describes the KGS protocol. It is also used to automatically generate the perl parser for all the messages and structures in the protocol. Adapting it to other languages should be almost trivial.

Please note that wms has told me that he will change the protocol in response to my efforts. No problems with changing the protocol for good, but he does this just to make it more difficult to reverse-engineer it, since his changes are neither required, nor useful (they just make the protocol less robust, without adding added value). He doesn't even care that this locks out some users who cannot upgrade (cgoban2 isn't available for their platform anymore). It hurts to see such a waste of time and efforts that could have been used to fix bugs or improve the client...

If you feel you need to update the visual appearance of this document, feel free to look doc/doc2html.xsl and improve it.

The current version of this document can always be found at here, while the HTML version of it can be found here. (update: sourceforge is weeks behind on their anonymous cvs servers so the above might be out-of-date. sorry.)

Structure and conventions of this document and the protocol

"ORIGIN: CLIENT" means messages send from the client to the server, while "ORIGIN: SERVER" means messages send by the server to the client.

Everything on the wire is in little-endian format (what a shame).

Primitive types are mostly integers (signed "I<bits>", unsigned "U<bits>"), ascii strings ("username"), or zero-terminated UCS2-Strings ("STRING"). Yes, I know java is supposed to do UTF-16, but no implementation seems to care...

For the rest, go figure or bug me, Marc Lehmann <pcg@goof.com>

Stream and message structure.

After connecting to the server, a handshake byte is sent. It's the major version number of the protocol the client expects to receive. Version 3 and 4 are mostly the same, except that Version 4 clients expect server messages to be compressed, version 3 clients not.

The server sends back his protocol number, which is always 3 in the current protocol. Most of the protocol variation is determined by the server using the client version that is used in the initial login message, not the initial handshake byte.

After the initial handshake, the client sends uncompressed messages, while the server sends back a zlib-compressed stream (rfc1950 and rfc1951).

All messages have the same header:

The length is the length of the full message including the header.

Beginning with version 2.5.x, a number is xored into the low byte of the length in sent packages only, as given by the following recurrence: rand[0] = 0; rand[i+1] = msg[i].length + (rand[i] * 0x04c2af9b + 0xfffffffb); xorbyte = rand >> 24, all in 32 bit unsigned iso-c arithmetic.

If the type is >= 0x4000 this is a message for a specific channel. The channel number is always the next U16.

Beginning with version 2.5.x, a number is added on received messages only. The algorithm is as follows:

         msglen < 44: type = typefield
         msglen > 44: type = (typefield + rand[i]) % 0x10000
            rand[0] = 0
            rand[i+1] = username[type % length username] + rand[i] * (type - 0x6cdd)
               where username is the user name of the logged-in user. coooool.

Primitive types used in the protocol.

Apart from the basic types, I need to define some extra types to deal with fixed-point values (based on integer types) or fixed-length strings (either 7-bit-ascii or more limited (A), or UCS-2 based (S)).

The basic user or login name, used throughout the protocol as a handle to the user.

Many strings in the protocol are fixed-width for no good reason (maybe this is one reason for using compression in newer versions, as the packets itself are wasting lots of space.

Used in user_record.

A kind of locale specifier. It seems the general format seems to be lowercase language, underscore, uppercase location, e.g. en_US. More fancy specifications don't fit.

Just a simple boolean value. 0 means false, and 1 generally true, but I suggest accepting != 0 as true.

Komi values are multiplied by 2 to make them integer in the protocol. Well, *most* of the time at least...

The game result is also multiplied by two to give it higher resolution. There are also special values for wins by time etc., either in result or in the score* types, or both :)

A score value (used for displaying the score at the end of a game) are multiplied by four for a change (the 0.25 resolution is not used). In game structures it is encoded by dividing by two, though, so watch out! And in some others, it's encoded by multiplying by 1000... yuck!

Time values are multiplied by 1000, giving them millisecond accuracy.

64 bit timeval, milliseconds since posix epoch, e.g. my ($year, $month, $day) = (gmtime $date * 0.001)[5,4,3];

Password is a number calculated as follows (VERY insecure, basically plaintext!): password = 0; for char in characters do password ← password * 1055 + ascii_code (char)

Enumeration and set types used in the protocol.

Probably not used, but the protocol has space for it it seems.

Admins only(?)

Seems to be set on the english room. Or maybe not.

This room is private.

Special score values, in addition to numerical scores. Some are also used with their negative value.

Also used negatively to score for white instead of black. Also used negatively to score for white instead of black. Also used negatively to score for white instead of black.

Convinience constants used in several places.

Structs used in send & receive messages

Almost everywhere a user + flags is required, even used in some places where only a username is required. I see no general rule on when a complete user and when a partial user is required.

This structure is used for challanges as well as in the special TREE "subprotocol". It tightly encodes the game parameters.

byo-yomi time / canadian time periods / moves

Structs used in messages from the client

Client-generated messages

Sent to login, usually the first message sent. The password needs to be set when the guest flag is true. Possible replies: . Followed by:

The "default" is the java vm version, not exactly he client version. However, you should always send a text like "Jonathan's C client bersion 0.6" or somesuch, so the server can, if necessary, block broken clients or client versions.

Request info about a certain user. Possible reply:

Update user info. Message structure is very similar to .

Should the password be updated?

This message is sent to initiate or continue a private chat with a user. You'll always receive a copy of what you have sent back from the server (as usual).

Name of sender ("yourself"). Name of recipient. The message.

Request server statistics. Replied with

Send in response to to keep the server from disconnecting.

Wild guess, I send it in .

Request user graph data, replied with .

Unclear. Fetch all outstanding memos? Replied with

Request a user picture from the server. Results in a or a timeout.

Same code as pic_req, but with an additional data section that must contain a JPEG image that is <=7KB. It must have 141×200 pixels.

Send a global message. Maybe. Never tried, for obvious reasons :/. Results in a sent to all users.

Probably setting a notifier on a username, to get informed about changes using messages. sending your own username gives you a disconnect, so don't do that at home, kids!

Probably remove the notifier again.

List the rooms in a specific group/category. Results in a message.

Create a new room. Not verified. See ROOMFLAGs

Most probably has something to do witht he open games list or maybe sth. else. 00000: 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202036 6 00010: 42001b03 51010000 00000000 00000000 B...Q...........

Requests part of the users game record to be sent. Results in a or maybe a timeout.

If zero, start at the newest games, else only send games before the given timestap.

Joins the given room. messages for yourself and all users in that room, as well as the initial gamelist, are send if the room exists. If not, timeout...

Send a message to the room. Must be the login-name of the user. Remove yourself (or maybe others as admin) from a room.

Unclear. Start a new game.

Clone: 00000: 20202020 20202020 20202020 20203238 28 00010: 9d000543 0d000000 00000000 00130201 ...C............ 00020: 0000ffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 ..ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ....

The room where to start the new game

0x200 == global open game list

When cloning a game, the rules are set up like this: count => 65535, ruleset => 0, time => 4294967295, timesys => 0, interval => 4294967295. Cloning itself seems to be implemented solely in the client (somewhat sane, for a change).

Load an existing game into a room(?) There is no indication that a new game is there except for a upd_observers message with your name in it. Which means you have to watch upd_observers messages that are not for any currently open game and open one. Ugh. The room to load the game into. From the game record. 0 == public, 2 == private Request to update room game list (send this once per minute to get updated). Results in upd_games messages. Request room description. Unclear. More following... TREE or challenge. Join a game. See join_room. Leave (or kick as admin?) a certain user from a game. Possibly upload an initial game to an empty room. Not tested. Upload a partial game tree to the server. This is used to send moves and even in-game comments to the server. For the comments, the server prepends the username and rank. Request the game tree starting at a given node. This is used when the server only sends a partial tree (with end code "more"). Unclear. Player colour maybe? Unclear. Not checked. Can be send after a req_undo message was received to grant the undo. Resign the game. Change the teacher to somebody else (or possibly yourself == take it). Unclear. Maybe allow users to talk? No idea, really. ; # gives user access to the game (to what? ;) Probably sets the "quiet" flag. Not checked. Reject a challenge from a given user. Not checked.

Is send when a game is closed and should be saved on the gamerecord.

I forgot.

Sent by the client just before it logs out.

Structs mainly used in messages send by the server

Send soon after log-in to set the defaults for game challenges. A challenge. Maybe the rules" are in TREE format. I forgot. Basic information about a game. Used in rooms for the gamelist and in games to detect when a game is saved, changed type (e.g. R => D) etc. White Black Owner < 0 not fully setup This field reflects either the movenum or the score, sorry, not even guards help, as the flags to determine that are _after_ the field. Arg. Divide by two to get the actual score (NOT score16!) (arg²). Obsolete. Apparently the i3, f2, i4 are zero.

A single game record entry, as seen in .

Time this game was played.

0:3 == handicap, 4:7 == gametype:0:4

White, flags contain low 8 bits of revision (bits 16-23). Black, flags contain high 8 bits of revision (bits 16-23).

Owner (or empty)

The bits 16-24 of user1.flags and user2.flags give the high and low bits of a revision number in case there are multiple similar games.

0:11 == komi / 2, 12:14 == high 3 bits of gametype, 15: == sign bit

0:5 == boardsize; 6: == no idea; 7: == inplay?

Server-generated messages

** maybe more following? ** ** maybe more following? ** User info. When the user registered (0 == never registered). When the user logged in for the last time.

Sent when no userinfo for the requested user could be found(?)

Name of sender (either yourself (echo) or other) Name of recipient. idle warning, autologout soon (10 minutes...) I was blocked sooo many times for developing this client that it was easy to figure out. The KGS admins sure need no extra nazi training :( WILD guess autologout Sent by the server regularly, but not answering them isn't valid. Strange form of keepalive? User graph data. If empty, no graph is available. The unit seems to be centi-kyu, with 1 dan == 0, 2 dan == 100, 1 kyu == -100. There is probably one entry per day, the newest one last. Unclear. "Leave Message"? 6 strings following. Reply to pic_req, contains an image in jpeg format. global notice, sent to everybody # maybe soe notify? Totally unclear. # loc 0" type="userinfo, flags etc. loc 1 => gameinfo?, loc 2 => game result (more data)

Game result record?

"permission denied" when joining a room Unable to create challenge. The channel is be optional. The users game record. Wether more games are available (must be requested manually) Unclear.

Adds or updates a global challenge (open game list).

The room this game is associated with.

Room messages

Not all room messages are for rooms only, and rooms need to parse not only these messages. Orthogonality, what for?

Game messages

Unclear. Superko-warning. Unclear.

See . In addition, flags the tree as being uploaded completely.

Reject a challenge by a given user. Not checked.

Notifies the client that a new game has been created. This message is sent long *after* upd_games and upd_observers etc. have been received. *sigh*

The newly created game.

The ID sent to the server in new_game.

Unclear. # # recv_result(?) ?? !demonstration game??

Remove a game from the global challenge list (open game list).

The game id to remove.

Probably the same. I suggest to use this id for no good reason.