package game::goclock; use Time::HiRes (); use KGS::Constants; use base gtk::widget; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{widget} = new Gtk2::Label; $self->{set} = sub { }; $self->{format} = sub { "ERROR" }; $self; } sub append_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->{buffer}->insert ($self->{buffer}->get_end_iter, $text); } sub format_time { my ($time) = @_; $time > 60*60 ? sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", $time / (60 * 60), $time / 60 % 60, $time % 60 : sprintf "%d:%02d", $time / 60 % 60, $time % 60; } sub set_rules { my ($self, $timesys, $main, $interval, $count) = @_; if ($timesys == TIMESYS_ABSOLUTE) { $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0] }; $self->{format} = sub { format_time $_[0] }; } elsif ($timesys == TIMESYS_BYO_YOMI) { my $low = $interval * $count; $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0] }; $self->{format} = sub { if ($_[0] > $low) { format_time $_[0]; } else { sprintf "%s (%d)", (format_time int ($_[0] % $interval) || $interval), $_[0] / $interval; } }; } elsif ($timesys == TIMESYS_CANADIAN) { my $low = $interval; $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0]; $self->{moves} = $_[1] }; $self->{format} = sub { if ($_[0] > $low) { format_time $_[0]; } else { sprintf "%s / %d", (format_time int($_[0] % $interval) || $interval), $self->{moves}; } }; } else { # none, or unknown $self->{set} = sub { }; $self->{format} = sub { "---" } } } sub refresh { my ($self, $timestamp) = @_; my $timer = $self->{time} + $self->{start} - $timestamp; $self->{widget}->set_text ($self->{format}->($timer)); warn "Timer $timer\n"; $timer - int $timer; } sub set_time { my ($self, $time) = @_; $self->{start} = $time->[0]; $self->{set}->($time->[1], $time->[2]); $self->refresh ($time->[0]); } sub start { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->{timeout}; my $timeout; $timeout = sub { my $next = int ($self->refresh (Time::HiRes::time) * 1000); warn "next $next\n"; $self->{timeout} = add Glib::Timeout $next, $timeout; 0; }; $timeout->(); } sub stop { my ($self) = @_; remove Glib::Source delete $self->{timeout} if $self->{timeout}; } package game::userpanel; use base gtk::widget; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{widget} = new Gtk2::VBox; $self->{widget}->add ($self->{name} = new Gtk2::Label $self->{name}); $self->{widget}->add ($self->{info} = new Gtk2::Label ""); $self->{widget}->add (($self->{clock} = new game::goclock)->widget); $self; } sub set_rules { my ($self, $rules) = @_; $self->{name}->set_text ($rules->{player}[$self->{colour}]); $self->{clock}->set_rules (@{$rules->{rules}}{qw(timesys time interval count)}); } sub set_state { my ($self, $captures, $timer, $running) = @_; $self->{clock}->set_time ($timer); $running ? $self->{clock}->start : $self->{clock}->stop; $self->{info}->set_text ("$captures pris."); } package game; use KGS::Constants; use KGS::Game::Board; use base KGS::Listener::Game; use base KGS::Game; use base gtk::widget; use POSIX qw(ceil); sub new { my $self = shift; $self = $self->SUPER::new(@_); $self->listen($self->{conn}); $self->{window} = new Gtk2::Window 'toplevel'; my $title = $self->{channel} ? $self->owner->as_string." ".$self->opponent_string : "Game Window"; $self->{window}->set_title("KGS Game $title"); gtk::state $self->{window}, "game::window", undef, window_size => [600, 500]; $self->{window}->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { $self->part; 1; }); $self->{window}->add($self->{hpane} = new Gtk2::HPaned); gtk::state $self->{hpane}, "game::hpane", undef, position => 500; $self->{hpane}->pack1((my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox), 1, 1); $vbox->pack_start((my $frame = new Gtk2::Frame), 0, 1, 0); { # grrr... $frame->add(my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox); $vbox->add($self->{title} = new Gtk2::Label $title); $self->{moveadj} = new Gtk2::Adjustment 1, 0, 1, 0.001, 0.05, 0; $vbox->add(my $scale = new Gtk2::HScale $self->{moveadj}); $scale->set_draw_value (0); $self->{moveadj}->signal_connect (value_changed => sub { $self->update_board }); } $vbox->pack_start((my $aspect_frame = new Gtk2::AspectFrame "", 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0), 1, 1, 0); $aspect_frame->set (border_width => 0, shadow_type => 'none', label_xalign => 0.5); $self->{board_label} = $aspect_frame->get_label_widget; $aspect_frame->add($self->{canvas} = new Gtk2::DrawingArea); $self->{canvas}->double_buffered (0) if $::config->{conserve_memory}; $self->{canvas}->signal_connect(configure_event => \&configure_event, $self); $self->{canvas}->signal_connect(expose_event => \&expose_event, $self); # RIGHT PANE $self->{hpane}->pack2(($self->{vpane} = new Gtk2::VPaned), 0, 0); $self->{hpane}->set(position_set => 1); gtk::state $self->{vpane}, "game::vpane", $self->{name}, position => 80; $self->{vpane}->add(my $sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow); $sw->set_policy("automatic", "always"); $sw->add(($self->{userlist} = new userlist)->widget); $self->{vpane}->add(my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox); $vbox->pack_start((my $hbox = new Gtk2::HBox 1), 0, 1, 0); $hbox->add (($self->{user0} = new game::userpanel colour => WHITE)->widget); $hbox->add (($self->{user1} = new game::userpanel colour => BLACK)->widget); $vbox->pack_start((my $sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow), 1, 1, 0); $sw->set_policy("never", "always"); $sw->add(($self->{text} = new gtk::text)->widget); $vbox->pack_start(($self->{entry} = new Gtk2::Entry), 0, 1, 0); $self->{entry}->signal_connect(activate => sub { my $text = $self->{entry}->get_text; $self->say($text) if $text =~ /\S/; $self->{entry}->set_text(""); }); $self; } sub event_update_users { my ($self, $add, $update, $remove) = @_; $self->{userlist}->update ($add, $update, $remove); } sub join { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->{joined}; $self->SUPER::join; $self->{window}->show_all; } sub part { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::part; $self->destroy; } sub configure_event { my ($widget, $event, $self) = @_; delete $self->{stack}; delete $self->{pixbuf}; delete $self->{board_shown}; delete $self->{background}; $self->repaint_board; 0; } sub expose_event { my ($widget, $event, $self) = @_; $self->{pixbuf} or return; my $area = $event->area; $self->redraw ($area); 0; } # something Gtk2 fixed sub INTERP_NEAREST (){ 'nearest' } sub INTERP_TILES (){ 'tiles' } sub INTERP_BILINEAR (){ 'bilinear' } sub INTERP_HYPER (){ 'hyper' } sub new_pixbuf { my ($w, $h, $alpha, $fill) = @_; my $pixbuf = new Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf 'rgb', $alpha, 8, $w, $h; $pixbuf->fill ($fill) if defined $fill; $pixbuf; } sub scale_pixbuf { my ($src, $w, $h, $mode) = @_; my $dst = new_pixbuf $w, $h, 1; $src->scale( $dst, 0, 0, $w, $h, 0, 0, $w / $src->get_width, $h / $src->get_height, $mode, ); $dst; } # create a stack of stones sub create_stack { my ($self, $mark, $size, $rand) = @_; my $shadow = $size * 0.05; my $c = \$self->{stack}{$mark}; unless ($$c) { for my $stone ($mark & (MARK_W | MARK_GRAY_W) ? @::white_img : @::black_img) { my $base = new_pixbuf $size + $shadow, $size + $shadow, 1, 0x00000000; # zeroeth the shadow if ($mark & (MARK_B | MARK_W)) { $::shadow_img->composite ( $base, $shadow, $shadow, $size, $size, $shadow - 0.5, $shadow - 0.5, $size / $stone->get_width, $size / $stone->get_height, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_BILINEAR, 192 ); } # first the big stones (handicap stones different for effect) for ([MARK_B, $mark & MARK_MOVE ? 255 : 192], [MARK_W, $mark & MARK_MOVE ? 255 : 192], [MARK_GRAY_B, 128], [MARK_GRAY_W, 128]) { my ($mask, $alpha) = @$_; if ($mark & $mask) { $stone->composite ( $base, 0, 0, $size, $size, 0, 0, $size / $stone->get_width, $size / $stone->get_height, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_BILINEAR, $alpha ); } } # then the small stones for ([MARK_SMALL_B, $::black_img[$rand % @::black_img]], [MARK_SMALL_W, $::white_img[$rand % @::white_img]]) { my ($mask, $img) = @$_; if ($mark & $mask) { $img->composite ( $base, (ceil ($size / 4)) x2, (ceil ($size / 2)) x2, (ceil ($size / 4)) x2, $size / $img->get_width / 2, $size / $img->get_height / 2, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_BILINEAR, 224 ); } } # and lastly any markers my $dark_bg = ! ! ($mark & (MARK_B | MARK_GRAY_B)); for ([MARK_CIRCLE, $::circle_img[$dark_bg]], [MARK_TRIANGLE, $::triangle_img[$dark_bg]], [MARK_SQUARE, $::square_img[$dark_bg]]) { my ($mask, $img) = @$_; if ($mark & $mask) { $img->composite ( $base, 0, 0, $size, $size, -0.5, -0.5, $size / $img->get_width, $size / $img->get_height, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_BILINEAR, 255 ); } } push @$$c, $base; } } $$c->[$rand % @$$c]; } sub pixbuf_text { my ($pixbuf, $colour, $x, $y, $height, $text) = @_; my @c = grep $_, map $::font[$colour][$::fontmap{$_}], split //, $text; if (@c) { my $spacing = $height * 0.1; my $s = $height / List::Util::max map $_->get_height, @c; my $W = List::Util::sum map $_->get_width, @c; $x -= ($W * $s + $spacing * (@c - 1)) * 0.5; $y -= $height * 0.5; for (@c) { my $w = $_->get_width * $s; # +2 == don't fight the rounding $_->composite ($pixbuf, $x, $y, $w+2, $height+2, $x, $y, $s, $s, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_BILINEAR, 255); $x += $w + $spacing; } } } sub pixbuf_rect { my ($pb, $colour, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $alpha) = @_; # we fake lines by... a horrible method :/ my $colour_pb = new_pixbuf 1, 1, 0, $colour; $colour_pb->composite ($pb, $x1, $y1, $x2 - $x1 + 1, $y2 - $y1 + 1, $x1, $y1, $x2 + 1, $y2 + 1, INTERP_NEAREST, $alpha); } sub repaint_board { my ($self) = @_; my $canvas = $self->{canvas}; my $expose_area = undef; return $expose_area unless $self->{board}; my ($w, $h) = ($canvas->allocation->values)[2,3]; die "FATAL: board aspect ratio != 1" unless $w == $h; my $s = $w; return unless $s >= 200; my $size = $self->{size}; # we leave enough space for the shadows.. I like smaller stones, and we # do no need to do the nifty recursive screen updates that goban2 does my $border = int ($s / ($size + 3) * 0.5); my $s2 = $s - $border * 2; my $edge = int ($s2 / ($size + 1) * 0.96) - ($::config->{randomize} ? 3 : 0); my $ofs = int ($edge / 2); my @k = map int ($s2 * $_ / ($size+1) + $border + 0.5), 0 .. $size; my $pixbuf; my $oldboard; if ($self->{background}) { if ($oldboard = $self->{board_shown}) { $pixbuf = $self->{pixbuf}; } else { $pixbuf = $self->{background}->copy; $expose_area = new Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle 0, 0, $s, $s; } } else { $expose_area = new Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle 0, 0, $s, $s; my ($bw, $bh) = ($::board_img->get_width, $::board_img->get_height); if ($s < $bw && $s < $bh) { $pixbuf = new_pixbuf $s, $s, 0; $::board_img->copy_area (0, 0, $s, $s, $pixbuf, 0, 0); } else { $pixbuf = scale_pixbuf $::board_img, $s, $s, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_TILES; } my $linew = int ($s / 25 / $size); # ornamental border... we have time to waste :/ pixbuf_rect $pixbuf, 0xffcc7700, 0, 0, $s-1, $linew, 255; pixbuf_rect $pixbuf, 0xffcc7700, 0, 0, $linew, $s-1, 255; pixbuf_rect $pixbuf,0xffcc7700, $s-$linew-1, 0, $s-1, $s-1, 255; pixbuf_rect $pixbuf,0xffcc7700, 0, $s-$linew-1, $s-1, $s-1, 255; for my $i (1 .. $size) { pixbuf_rect $pixbuf, 0x44111100, $k[$i] - $linew, $k[1] - $linew, $k[$i] + $linew, $k[$size] + $linew, 192; pixbuf_rect $pixbuf, 0x44111100, $k[1] - $linew, $k[$i] - $linew, $k[$size] + $linew, $k[$i] + $linew, 192; # 38 max, but we allow a bit more my $label = (qw(- A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH JJ KK LL MM NN OO PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW XX YY ZZ))[$i]; pixbuf_text $pixbuf, 0, $k[$i], $border, $ofs, $label; pixbuf_text $pixbuf, 0, $k[$i], $s2 + $border, $ofs, $label; pixbuf_text $pixbuf, 0, $border, $k[$i], $ofs, $size - $i + 1; pixbuf_text $pixbuf, 0, $s2 + $border, $k[$i], $ofs, $size - $i + 1; $a++; $a++ if $a eq "I"; # not correct, instead of AA AB, we should get HH JJ KK... } unless ($::config->{conserve_memory} > 1) { $self->{background} = $pixbuf; $pixbuf = $pixbuf->copy; } } $self->{pixbuf} = $pixbuf; # hoshi-points(!)#d# # caching of empty board gfx(!)#d# for my $x (1 .. $size) { for my $y (1 .. $size) { my $rand = ($x ^ $y ^ 0x5555); my ($dx, $dy) = ($k[$x] - $ofs, $k[$y] - $ofs); if ($::config->{randomize}) { $dx += ($rand % 7) - 3; $dy += ($rand / 3 % 7) - 3; } my $shadow = $edge * 0.05; my $area = [$dx, $dy, $edge + $shadow, $edge + $shadow]; my $mark = $self->{board}{board}[$x-1][$y-1]; my $old = $oldboard ? $oldboard->{board}[$x-1][$y-1] : 0; if ($oldboard) { next if $old == $mark; # no change $self->{background}->copy_area (@$area, $pixbuf, $dx, $dy); $expose_area = $expose_area ? $expose_area->union (new Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle @$area) : new Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle @$area; } if ($mark) { my $pb = $self->create_stack($mark, $edge, $rand); $pb->composite ($pixbuf, @$area, $dx, $dy, 1, 1, $::config->{speed} ? INTERP_NEAREST : INTERP_NEAREST, 255); # labels are handled here because they are quite rare if ($mark & MARK_LABEL) { my $white = $mark & (MARK_W | MARK_GRAY_W) ? 0 : 1; if ($white) { pixbuf_text $pixbuf, 0, $k[$x] + $ofs * 0.1, $k[$y] + $ofs * 0.1, $ofs * 0.7, $self->{board}{label}[$x-1][$y-1]; } pixbuf_text $pixbuf, $white, $k[$x], $k[$y], $ofs * 0.7, $self->{board}{label}[$x-1][$y-1]; } # old pixmap&mask-way. that was fast ;( #my ($pm, $bm) = $self->create_stack($gc, $mark, $edge, $x * 17 + $y * 11 ); #$gc->set_clip_mask ($bm); #$gc->set_clip_origin ($dx, $dy); #$pixmap->draw_pixmap ($gc, $pm, 0, 0, $dx, $dy, $edge, $edge); } } } $self->{board_shown} = Storable::dclone $self->{board}; #d# save #Storable::nstore { board => $self->{board}, size => $self->{size}, path => $self->{path}}, "testboard.storable"; $expose_area; } sub redraw { my ($self, $area) = @_; if ($area && $self->{pixbuf}) { my ($x, $y, $w, $h) = $area->values; $self->{canvas}->window->draw_pixbuf ($self->{canvas}->style->white_gc, $self->{pixbuf}, $x, $y, $x, $y, $w, $h, "normal", 0, 0); $self->{canvas}->window->draw_rectangle ($self->{canvas}->style->black_gc, 0, $x - 1, $y - 1, $w + 2, $h + 2) if $::DEBUG_EXPOSE; } } sub update_board { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{path}; $self->{NOW} = Time::HiRes::time; #d# get from msg(!) my $move = int (@{$self->{path}} * $self->{moveadj}->get_value); my $running = $move == @{$self->{path}}; $self->{board_label}->set_text ("Move $move"); $self->{board} = new KGS::Game::Board $self->{size}; $self->{board}->interpret_path ([@{$self->{path}}[0 .. $move - 1]]); $self->{user0}->set_state ($self->{board}{captures}[0], $self->{board}{timer}[0], $running && $self->{board}{last} == WHITE); $self->{user1}->set_state ($self->{board}{captures}[1], $self->{board}{timer}[1], $running && $self->{board}{last} == BLACK); $self->redraw ($self->repaint_board); $self->{text}->set_text(KGS::Listener::Debug::dumpval([$self->{board}{time},$self->{board}{captures}]). $self->{board}{comment}); } sub event_update_tree { my ($self) = @_; $self->{path} = $self->get_path; $self->{user0}->set_rules ($self->{path}[0]); $self->{user1}->set_rules ($self->{path}[0]); $self->{moveadj}->value_changed if $self->{moveadj}; } sub event_part { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::event_part; delete $appwin::gamelist->{game}{$self->{channel}}; $self->destroy; } sub event_move { my ($self, $pass) = @_; sound::play 1, $pass ? "pass" : "move"; } 1;