use utf8; use Scalar::Util (); package game::goclock; # Lo and Behold! I admit it! The rounding stuff etc.. in goclock # is completely borked. use Time::HiRes (); use KGS::Constants; use Glib::Object::Subclass Gtk2::Label; sub INIT_INSTANCE { my $self = shift; $self->signal_connect (destroy => sub { $_[0]->stop }); $self->{set} = sub { }; $self->{format} = sub { "???" }; } sub configure { my ($self, $timesys, $main, $interval, $count) = @_; if ($timesys == TIMESYS_ABSOLUTE) { $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0] }; $self->{format} = sub { util::format_time $_[0] }; } elsif ($timesys == TIMESYS_BYO_YOMI) { my $low = $interval * $count; $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0] }; $self->{format} = sub { if ($_[0] > $low) { util::format_time $_[0] - $low; } else { sprintf "%s (%d)", util::format_time int (($_[0] - 1) % $interval + 1), ($_[0] - 1) / $interval; } }; } elsif ($timesys == TIMESYS_CANADIAN) { $self->{set} = sub { $self->{time} = $_[0]; $self->{moves} = $_[1] }; $self->{format} = sub { if (!$self->{moves}) { util::format_time $_[0] - $low; } else { my $time = int (($_[0] - 1) % $interval + 1); sprintf "%s/%d =%d", util::format_time $time, $self->{moves}, $self->{moves} > 1 ? $time / $self->{moves} : $interval; } }; } else { # none, or unknown $self->{set} = sub { }; $self->{format} = sub { "---" } } } sub refresh { my ($self, $timestamp) = @_; my $timer = $self->{time} + $self->{start} - $timestamp; # we round the timer value slightly... the protocol isn't exact anyways, # and this gives smoother timers ;) my @format = $self->{format}->(int ($timer + 0.4)); $self->set_text ($self->{format}->(int ($timer + 0.4))); $timer - int $timer; } sub set_time { my ($self, $time) = @_; # we ignore requests to re-set the time of a running clock. # this is the easiest way to ensure that commentary etc. # doesn't re-set the clock. yes, this is frickle design, # but I think the protocol is to blame here, which gives # very little time information. (cgoban2 also has had quite # a lot of small time update problems...) unless ($self->{timeout}) { $self->{set}->($time->[0], $time->[1]); $self->refresh ($self->{start}); } } sub start { my ($self, $when) = @_; $self->stop; $self->{start} = $when; my $timeout; $timeout = sub { my $next = $self->refresh (Time::HiRes::time) * 1000; $next += 1000 if $next < 0; $self->{timeout} = add Glib::Timeout $next, $timeout; 0; }; $timeout->(); } sub stop { my ($self) = @_; remove Glib::Source delete $self->{timeout} if $self->{timeout}; } package game::userpanel; use Glib::Object::Subclass Gtk2::HBox, properties => [ Glib::ParamSpec->IV ("colour", "colour", "User Colour", 0, 1, 0, [qw(construct-only writable)]), ]; sub INIT_INSTANCE { my ($self) = @_; $self->add (my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox); $vbox->add ($self->{name} = new Gtk2::Label $self->{name}); $vbox->add ($self->{info} = new Gtk2::Label ""); $vbox->add ($self->{clock} = new game::goclock); Scalar::Util::weaken $self->{clock}; $vbox->add ($self->{imagebox} = new Gtk2::VBox); $self; } sub configure { my ($self, $app, $user, $rules) = @_; if ($self->{name}->get_text ne $user->as_string) { $self->{name}->set_text ($user->as_string); $self->{imagebox}->remove ($_) for $self->{imagebox}->get_children; $self->{imagebox}->add (gtk::image_from_data undef); $self->{imagebox}->show_all; if ($user->has_pic) { # the big picture... $app->userpic ($user->{name}, sub { return unless $self->{imagebox}; if ($_[0]) { $self->{imagebox}->remove ($_) for $self->{imagebox}->get_children; $self->{imagebox}->add (gtk::image_from_data $_[0]); $self->{imagebox}->show_all; } }); } } $self->{clock}->configure (@{$rules}{qw(timesys time interval count)}); } sub set_state { my ($self, $captures, $timer, $when) = @_; $self->{clock}->stop unless $when; $self->{clock}->set_time ($timer); $self->{clock}->start ($when) if $when; $self->{info}->set_text ("$captures pris."); } package game; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use KGS::Constants; use KGS::Game::Board; use Gtk2::GoBoard; use Glib::Object::Subclass Gtk2::Window; use base KGS::Listener::Game; use base KGS::Game; use POSIX qw(ceil); sub new { my ($self, %arg) = @_; $self = $self->Glib::Object::new; $self->{$_} = delete $arg{$_} for keys %arg; $self->listen ($self->{conn}); gtk::state $self, "game::window", undef, window_size => [600, 500]; $self->signal_connect (delete_event => sub { $self->part; 1 }); $self->signal_connect (destroy => sub { $self->unlisten; delete $self->{app}{game}{$self->{channel}}; %{$_[0]} = (); });#d# $self->add (my $hpane = new Gtk2::HPaned); gtk::state $hpane, "game::hpane", undef, position => 500; # LEFT PANE $hpane->pack1 (($self->{left} = new Gtk2::VBox), 1, 0); $self->{boardbox} = new Gtk2::VBox; $hpane->pack1((my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox), 1, 1); # board box (aspect/canvas) $self->{boardbox}->pack_start((my $frame = new Gtk2::Frame), 0, 1, 0); { $frame->add (my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox); $vbox->add ($self->{title} = new Gtk2::Label $title); $vbox->add (my $hbox = new Gtk2::HBox); $hbox->pack_start (($self->{board_label} = new Gtk2::Label), 0, 1, 0); $self->{moveadj} = new Gtk2::Adjustment 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0; $hbox->pack_start ((my $scale = new Gtk2::HScale $self->{moveadj}), 1, 1, 0); $scale->set_draw_value (0); $scale->set_digits (0); $self->{moveadj}->signal_connect (value_changed => sub { $self->update_board }); } $self->{boardbox}->add ($self->{board} = new Gtk2::GoBoard size => $self->{size}); # RIGHT PANE $hpane->pack2 (($self->{vpane} = new Gtk2::VPaned), 1, 1); $hpane->set (position_set => 1); gtk::state $self->{vpane}, "game::vpane", $self->{name}, position => 80; $self->{vpane}->add (my $sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow); $sw->set_policy ("automatic", "always"); $sw->add ($self->{userlist} = new userlist); $self->{vpane}->add (my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox); $vbox->pack_start ((my $hbox = new Gtk2::HBox 1), 0, 1, 0); $hbox->add ($self->{userpanel}[$_] = new game::userpanel colour => $_) for COLOUR_WHITE, COLOUR_BLACK; $vbox->pack_start (($self->{chat} = new superchat), 1, 1, 0); $self->{rules_inlay} = $self->{chat}->new_switchable_inlay ("Game Rules", sub { $self->draw_rules (@_) }, 1); $self->{chat}->signal_connect (command => sub { my ($chat, $cmd, $arg) = @_; if ($cmd eq "rsave") { Storable::nstore { tree => $self->{tree}, curnode => $self->{curnode}, move => $self->{move} }, $arg;#d# } else { $self->{app}->do_command ($chat, $cmd, $arg, userlist => $self->{userlist}, game => $self); } }); $self; } sub event_update_users { my ($self, $add, $update, $remove) = @_; return unless $self->{userlist}; $self->{userlist}->update ($add, $update, $remove); my %important; $important{$self->{user1}{name}}++; $important{$self->{user2}{name}}++; $important{$self->{user3}{name}}++; if (my @users = grep $important{$_->{name}}, @$add) { $self->{chat}->append_text ("\n
"); $self->{chat}->append_text (" " . $_->as_string . "") for @users; } if (my @users = grep $important{$_->{name}}, @$remove) { $self->{chat}->append_text ("\n
"); $self->{chat}->append_text (" " . $_->as_string . "") for @users; } } sub join { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->{joined}; $self->SUPER::join; } sub update_board { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{path}; my $move = int $self->{moveadj}->get_value; my $running = $move == @{$self->{path}}; $self->{board_label}->set_text ("Move " . ($move - 1)); $self->{cur_board} = new KGS::Game::Board $self->{size}; $self->{cur_board}->interpret_path ([@{$self->{path}}[0 .. $move - 1]]); for my $colour (COLOUR_WHITE, COLOUR_BLACK) { $self->{userpanel}[$colour]->set_state ( $self->{cur_board}{captures}[$colour], $self->{cur_board}{timer}[$colour], ($running && $self->{lastmove_colour} == !$colour) ? $self->{lastmove_time} : 0 ); } $self->{board}->set_board ($self->{cur_board}); } sub event_update_tree { my ($self) = @_; $self->{path} = $self->get_path; if ($self->{moveadj}) { my $upper = $self->{moveadj}->upper; my $pos = $self->{moveadj}->get_value; my $move = scalar @{$self->{path}}; $self->{moveadj}->upper ($move); $self->{moveadj}->changed; if ($pos == $upper) { $self->{moveadj}->value ($move); $self->{moveadj}->value_changed; } } } sub event_update_comments { my ($self, $node, $comment, $newnode) = @_; $self->SUPER::event_update_comments($node, $comment, $newnode); my $text; $text .= "\n
Move $node->{move}, Node $node->{id}
" if $newnode; for (split /\n/, $comment) { $text .= "\n"; if (s/^([0-9a-zA-Z]+ \[[0-9dkp\?\-]+\])://) { $text .= "" . (util::toxml $1) . ":"; } # coords only for 19x19 so far $_ = util::toxml $_; s{ ( \b (?:[bw])? [, ]{0,2} [a-hj-t] # valid for upto 19x19 \s? [1-9]?[0-9] \b ) }{ "$1"; }sgexi; $text .= $_; } $self->{chat}->append_text ($text); } sub event_join { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::event_join (@_); $self->event_update_game; $self->show_all; } sub event_part { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::event_part; $self->destroy; } sub event_move { my ($self, $pass) = @_; sound::play 1, $pass ? "pass" : "move"; } sub event_update_game { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::event_update_game; return unless $self->{joined}; my $title = defined $self->{channel} ? $self->owner->as_string . " " . $self->opponent_string : "Game Window"; $self->set_title("KGS Game $title"); $self->{title}->set_text ($title); $self->{user}[COLOUR_BLACK] = $self->{user1}; $self->{user}[COLOUR_WHITE] = $self->{user2}; # show board if ($self->is_inprogress) { $self->{left}->add ($self->{boardbox}) unless $self->{boardbox}->parent; if (my $ch = delete $self->{challenge}) { (delete $_->{inlay})->clear for values %$ch; } } $self->{left}->show_all; # view text eval { #d# my @ga; $ga[0] = "\nType: " . (util::toxml $gametype{$self->type}) . " (" . (util::toxml $gameopt{$self->option}) . ")"; $ga[1] = "\nFlags:"; $ga[1] .= " started" if $self->is_inprogress; $ga[1] .= " adjourned" if $self->is_adjourned; $ga[1] .= " scored" if $self->is_scored; $ga[1] .= " saved" if $self->is_saved; $ga[2] = "\nOwner: " . (util::toxml $self->{user3}->as_string) . "" if $self->{user3}->is_inprogress; $ga[3] = "\nPlayers: " . (util::toxml $self->{user2}->as_string) . "" . " vs. " . (util::toxml $self->{user1}->as_string) . "" if $self->is_inprogress; if ($self->is_inprogress) { $ga[4] = "\nHandicap: " . $self->{handicap}; $ga[5] = "\nKomi: " . $self->{komi}; $ga[6] = "\nSize: " . $self->size_string; } if ($self->is_scored) { $ga[7] = "\nResult: " . $self->score_string; } $text = "\n
Game Update
"; for (0..7) { if ($self->{gatext}[$_] ne $ga[$_]) { $text .= $ga[$_]; } } $text .= "
"; $self->{gatext} = \@ga; }; $self->{chat}->append_text ($text); } sub draw_rules { my ($self, $inlay) = @_; my $rules = $self->{rules}; my $text = ""; $text .= "\nRuleset: " . $ruleset{$rules->{ruleset}}; $text .= "\nTime: "; if ($rules->{timesys} == TIMESYS_NONE) { $text .= "UNLIMITED"; } elsif ($rules->{timesys} == TIMESYS_ABSOLUTE) { $text .= util::format_time $rules->{time}; $text .= " ABS"; } elsif ($rules->{timesys} == TIMESYS_BYO_YOMI) { $text .= util::format_time $rules->{time}; $text .= sprintf " + %s (%d) BY", util::format_time $rules->{interval}, $rules->{count}; } elsif ($rules->{timesys} == TIMESYS_CANADIAN) { $text .= util::format_time $rules->{time}; $text .= sprintf " + %s/%d CAN", util::format_time $rules->{interval}, $rules->{count}; } $inlay->clear; $inlay->append_text ("$text"); } sub event_update_rules { my ($self, $rules) = @_; $self->{rules} = $rules; if ($self->{user}) { $self->{userpanel}[$_]->configure ($self->{app}, $self->{user}[$_], $rules) for COLOUR_BLACK, COLOUR_WHITE; } sound::play 3, "gamestart"; $self->draw_rules ($self->{rules_inlay}); } sub inject_resign_game { my ($self, $msg) = @_; sound::play 3, "resign"; $self->{chat}->append_text ("\n
" . "\n" . (util::toxml $self->{user}[$msg->{player}]->as_string) . " resigned.
"); } sub inject_final_result { my ($self, $msg) = @_; $self->{chat}->append_text ("\n
Game Over
" . "\nWhite Score " . (util::toxml $msg->{whitescore}->as_string) . "\nBlack Score " . (util::toxml $msg->{blackscore}->as_string) . "
" ); } sub draw_challenge { my ($self, $c) = @_; my $inlay = $c->{inlay}; my $challenge = $c->{challenge}; my $rules = $challenge->{rules}; my $as_black = $challenge->{user1}{name} eq $self->{conn}{name}; my $opponent = $as_black ? $challenge->{user2} : $challenge->{user1}; $inlay->clear; $inlay->append_text ("\nChallenge to " . $opponent->as_string . ""); $inlay->append_text ("\nHandicap: $rules->{handicap}"); #bless( ( # gametype => 3, # user1 => bless( { # flags => 2633, # name => 'dorkusx' # }, 'KGS::User' ), # rules => bless( { # count => 5, # time => 900, # timesys => 2, # interval => 30, # komi => '6.5', # size => 19, # ruleset => 0, # handicap => 0 # }, 'KGS::Rules' ), # user2 => bless( { # flags => 436220808, # name => 'Nerdamus' # }, 'KGS::User' ) # ), 'KGS::Challenge' ) } sub event_challenge { my ($self, $challenge) = @_; my $as_black = $challenge->{user1}{name} eq $self->{conn}{name}; my $opponent = $as_black ? $challenge->{user2} : $challenge->{user1}; my $c = $self->{challenge}{$opponent->{name}} ||= {}; $c->{inlay} ||= $self->{chat}->new_inlay; $c->{challenge} = $challenge; $self->draw_challenge ($c); # require KGS::Listener::Debug; # $self->{chat}->append_text ("\n".KGS::Listener::Debug::dumpval($challenge)); } 1;