package gtk; use Carp; use File::Temp; use Gtk2; # I have not yet found a way to simply default style properties Gtk2::Rc->parse_string(<set (xalign => 1); our $state = $util::state->{gtk} ||= {}; # shows the properties of a glib object sub info { my ($idx, $obj) = @_; return if $seen{$idx}++; print "\n$idx\n"; for ($obj->list_properties) { printf "%-16s %-24s %-24s %s\n", $_->{name}, $_->{type}, (join ":", @{$_->{flags}}), $_->{descr}; } } my %get = ( window_size => sub { [ ($_[0]->allocation->values)[2,3] ] }, #window_pos => sub { die KGS::Listener::Debug::dumpval [ $_[0]->get_root_origin ] }, column_size => sub { $_[0]->get("width") || $_[0]->get("fixed_width") }, modelsortorder => sub { [ $_[0]->get_sort_column_id ] }, ); my %set = ( window_size => sub { $_[0]->set_default_size (@{$_[1]}) }, #window_pos => sub { $_[0]->set_uposition (@{$_[1]}) if @{$_[1]} }, column_size => sub { $_[0]->set (fixed_width => $_[1]) }, modelsortorder => sub { $_[0]->set_sort_column_id (@{$_[1]}) }, ); my %widget; sub state { my ($widget, $class, $instance, %attr) = @_; while (my ($k, $v) = each %attr) { my ($set, $get) = $k =~ /=/ ? split /=/, $k : ($k, $k); $v = $state->{$class}{"*"}{$get} if exists $state->{$class}{"*"} && exists $state->{$class}{"*"}{$get}; $v = $state->{$class}{$instance}{$get} if defined $instance && exists $state->{$class}{$instance} && exists $state->{$class}{$instance}{$get}; $set{$get} ? $set{$get}->($widget, $v) : $widget->set($set => $v); #my $vx = KGS::Listener::Debug::dumpval $v; $vx =~ s/\s+/ /g; warn "set $class ($instance) $set => $vx\n";#d# } #$widget->signal_connect(destroy => sub { delete $widget{$widget}; 0 }); $widget{$widget} = [$widget, $class, $instance, \%attr]; Scalar::Util::weaken $widget{$widget}[0]; } sub save_state { for (grep $_, values %widget) { my ($widget, $class, $instance, $attr) = @$_; next unless $widget; # no destroy => widget may be undef $widget->realize if $widget->can("realize"); while (my ($k, $v) = each %$attr) { my ($set, $get) = $k =~ /=/ ? split /=/, $k : ($k, $k); $v = $get{$get} ? $get{$get}->($widget) : $widget->get($get); $state->{$class}{"*"}{$get} = $v; $state->{$class}{$instance}{$get} = $v if defined $instance; #my $vx = KGS::Listener::Debug::dumpval $v; $vx =~ s/\s+/ /g; warn "get $class ($instance) $get => $vx\n";#d# } } } # string => Gtk2::Image sub image_from_data { my ($data) = @_; my $img; if (defined $data) { # need to write to file first :/ my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile (); syswrite $fh, $data; close $fh; $img = new_from_file Gtk2::Image $filename; unlink $filename; } else { $img = new_from_file Gtk2::Image KGS::Constants::findfile "KGS/kgsueme/images/default_userpic.png"; } $img; } package gtk::widget; # hacked gtk pseudo-widget sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ }, $class; } sub widget { $_[0]{widget} } sub AUTOLOAD { $AUTOLOAD =~ /::([^:]+)$/ or Carp::confess "$AUTOLOAD: no such method (illegal name)"; ref $_[0]{widget} or Carp::confess "AUTOLOAD: non-method call $AUTOLOAD(@_)\n"; my $method = $_[0]{widget}->can($1) or Carp::confess "$AUTOLOAD: no such method"; # do NOT cache.. we are fats enough this way unshift @_, shift->{widget}; &$method; } sub destroy { my ($self) = @_; warn "destroy($self)";#d# delete $self->{app}; for (keys %$self) { warn "$self->{$_} destroy" if UNIVERSAL::can ($self->{$_}, "destroy"); (delete $self->{$_})->destroy if UNIVERSAL::can ($self->{$_}, "destroy"); # if (UNIVERSAL::isa ($self->{$_}, Glib::Object) # && UNIVERSAL::isa ($self->{$_}, gtk::widget)) # && $self->{$_}->can("destroy"); } } sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; warn "DESTROY($self)";#d# } 1;