=head1 LIBECB You suck, we don't(tm) =head2 ABOUT THE HEADER - how to include it - it includes inttypes.h - no .a - whats a bool =head2 GCC ATTRIBUTES blabla where to put, what others =over 4 =item ecb_attribute ((attrs...)) A simple wrapper that expands to C<__attribute__((attrs))> on GCC, and to nothing on other compilers, so the effect is that only GCC sees these. =item ecb_unused Marks a function or a variable as "unused", which simply suppresses a warning by GCC when it detects it as unused. This is useful when you e.g. declare a variable but do not always use it: { int var ecb_unused; #ifdef SOMECONDITION var = ...; return var; #else return 0; #endif } =item ecb_noinline Prevent a function from being inlined - it might be optimsied away, but not inlined into other functions. This is useful if you know your function is rarely called and large enough for inlining not to be helpful. =item ecb_noreturn =item ecb_const =item ecb_pure =item ecb_hot =item ecb_cold =item ecb_artificial =back =head2 OPTIMISATION HINTS =over 4 =item bool ecb_is_constant(expr) Returns true iff the expression can be deduced to be a compile-time constant, and false otherwise. For example, when you have a C function that returns a 16 bit random number, and you have a function that maps this to a range from 0..n-1, then you could use this inline fucntion in a header file: ecb_inline uint32_t rndm (uint32_t n) { return n * (uint32_t)rndm16 ()) >> 16; } However, for powers of two, you could use a normal mask, but that is only worth it if, at compile time, you can detect this case. This is the case when the passed number is a constant and also a power of two (C): ecb_inline uint32_t rndm (uint32_t n) { return is_constant (n) && !(n & (n - 1)) ? rndm16 () & (num - 1) : (uint32_t)rndm16 ()) >> 16; } =item bool ecb_expect(expr,value) =item bool ecb_unlikely(bool) =item bool ecb_likely(bool) =item bool ecb_assume(cond) =item bool ecb_unreachable() =item bool ecb_prefetch(addr,rw,locality) =back =head2 BIT FIDDLING / BITSTUFFS =item bool ecb_big_endian () =item bool ecb_little_endian () =item int ecb_ctz32 (uint32_t x) =item int ecb_popcount32 (uint32_t x) =item uint32_t ecb_bswap32 (uint32_t x) =item uint32_t ecb_bswap16 (uint32_t x) =item uint32_t ecb_rotr32 (uint32_t x, unsigned int count) =item uint32_t ecb_rotl32 (uint32_t x, unsigned int count) =back =head2 ARITHMETIC =over 4 =item x = ecb_mod (m, n) [MACRO] =back =head2 UTILITY =over 4 =item ecb_array_length (name) [MACRO] =back