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Revision: 1.18
Committed: Fri Nov 22 14:32:13 2019 UTC (5 years, 2 months ago) by root
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: EV-rel-4_29, rel-4_33, EV-rel-4_31, EV-rel-4_30, rel-4_31, HEAD
Changes since 1.17: +6 -2 lines
Log Message:
*** empty log message ***

File Contents

# Content
1 dnl this file is part of libev, do not make local modifications
2 dnl
4 dnl libev support
5 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/inotify.h sys/epoll.h sys/event.h port.h poll.h sys/timerfd.h)
6 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/select.h sys/eventfd.h sys/signalfd.h linux/aio_abi.h linux/fs.h)
8 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(inotify_init epoll_ctl kqueue port_create poll select eventfd signalfd)
10 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(clock_gettime, [], [
11 dnl on linux, try syscall wrapper first
12 if test $(uname) = Linux; then
13 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for clock_gettime syscall)
15 [#include <unistd.h>
16 #include <sys/syscall.h>
17 #include <time.h>],
18 [struct timespec ts; int status = syscall (SYS_clock_gettime, CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)])],
19 [ac_have_clock_syscall=1
20 AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CLOCK_SYSCALL, 1, Define to 1 to use the syscall interface for clock_gettime)
21 AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
22 [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)])
23 fi
24 if test -z "$LIBEV_M4_AVOID_LIBRT" && test -z "$ac_have_clock_syscall"; then
25 AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, clock_gettime)
26 unset ac_cv_func_clock_gettime
27 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(clock_gettime)
28 fi
29 ])
31 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(nanosleep, [], [
32 if test -z "$LIBEV_M4_AVOID_LIBRT"; then
33 AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, nanosleep)
34 unset ac_cv_func_nanosleep
35 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(nanosleep)
36 fi
37 ])
39 AC_CHECK_TYPE(__kernel_rwf_t, [
40 AC_DEFINE(HAVE_KERNEL_RWF_T, 1, Define to 1 if linux/fs.h defined kernel_rwf_t)
41 ], [], [#include <linux/fs.h>])
43 if test -z "$LIBEV_M4_AVOID_LIBM"; then
44 LIBM=m
45 fi
46 AC_SEARCH_LIBS(floor, $LIBM, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FLOOR, 1, Define to 1 if the floor function is available)])