File: libspf-1.0.0-RC5/docs/README Date: 09/15/04 Desc: README for libSPF 1.0 documentation libSPF documentation is broken down into the following components. Firstly there is API documentation which consists of a Doxygen doc tree, as well as pieces submitted by the authors of this library. history - History (deprecated documentation but still useful) - You'll find all the old CHANGELOG's within this dir API - Application Programming Interface - DOXYGEN - A DOXYGEN tree which encompasses the entire library breaking apart every function, type, define etc.. and creating hyperlinks all throughout the pages allowing you to easily discover where a particular piece of information originates whilst reviewing the literal code or broken down explanations and definitions of each. - debugging_libspf_1.0.pdf - A comprehensive document on how to interact with the libSPF debugging factility - api_cache.html - A short, but informative article which talk sbaout the DNS caching available within libSPF and why the cache is implemented the way it is (AVL-Tree instead of the commonly used hash table). RFC - Requests for Comments - This is the technical document used as a roadmap for libSPF. It describes the ways SPF may be implemented from the optional to the mandatory. qmail - qmail (best damn mta on earth) - netqmail-1.05-libspf-1.0.0-RC5-HOWTO.html - A step by step (with literal output) process of how to patch netqmail-1.05 with libSPF. - tcpserver_vars.html - A comprehensive explanation of the tcpserver variables which libSPF adds which are available for use within qmail and facilitate controlling the behaviour of libSPF without ever touching a control file. - control_files.html - A document that is similar to the tcpserver_vars document except that its focus is on explaining all of the available qmail control files that one can create to facilitate controlling the behaviour of libSPF. Sendmail - Sendmail - sendmail-8.13.1+libspf-1.0-HOWTO.pdf - A step by step (with literal output) process of how to patch Sendmail v8.13.1 with libSPF. - sendmail-8.12.x-libspf-0.2x-HOWTO - A HOWTO for patching Sendmail v8.12.x with libSPF - - An example file from a Sendmail server after having been patched with libSPF spfmilter - Sendmail 'spfmilter' - spfmilter-HOWTO - A Quick guide to installing the Sendmail spfmilter - spf-redhat.init - A Red Hat specific init script - spfmilter.sysconfig - A spfmilter config file example Courier-MTA - The Courier MTA - Documentation relative to patching Courier with libSPF. spfqtool - The libSPF Query Tool - The source code is available featuring syntax highlighted HTML. The goal of spfqtool is threefold: 1) Provide an easy method to test libSPF for RFC compliance. 2) Provide would-be developers with an implementation example of the libSPF API 3) Provide end-users with a tool to easy and powerfully test their SPF published records for accuracy. EOF