# ~/.rclock - My appointment file # startup functions ; xsetroot -solid Black & # daily functions 9:00; xsetroot -solid Black & 17:30; xsetroot -solid Red & # daily/weekly reminders 09:30 mtwrf * Good Morning!\nRead News?; rxvt -e News 13:30 mtwrf * Lunch Time 17:30 mtwrf * Home Time 15:00 f * Do timesheet *:00 us * It's the weekend, why are you here? 9:30 f */13/* Friday the 13th, be careful! # annual reminders 16:00 12/24/* Vale's Birthday (next week) 16:00 12/27/* Vale's Birthday (in four days) # one-off reminders 08:30 03/15/2004 Dentist appointment