COMMENT(-- $Id: rxvtRef-mouse.yo,v 1.2 2003/11/24 17:31:27 pcg Exp $ --) label(Mouse) nsect(Mouse Reporting) startdl() dl(bf(tt(ESC [ M ))) (report mouse position) enddl() The lower 2 bits of bf(tt()) indicate the button: startdl() dl(Button = bf(tt(( - SPACE) & 3))) (0 = Button1 pressed nl()\ 1 = Button2 pressed nl()\ 2 = Button3 pressed nl()\ 3 = button released (X11 mouse report)) enddl() The upper bits of bf(tt()) indicate the modifiers when the button was pressed and are added together (X11 mouse report only): startdl() dl(State = bf(tt(( - SPACE) & 60))) (4 = Shift nl()\ 8 = Meta nl()\ 16 = Control nl()\ 32 = Double Click em((Rxvt extension)) nl()\ Col = bf(tt( - SPACE)) nl()\ Row = bf(tt( - SPACE))) enddl()