COMMENT(-- $Id: rxvtRef-values.yo,v 1.1 2003/11/24 17:28:08 pcg Exp $ --) label(Values) nsect(Values) startdl() dl(bf(tt(ENQ))) (Enquiry (Ctrl-E) = Send Device Attributes (DA) nl()\ request attributes from terminal == link(ESC[Psc)(ESCOBPsc)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(BEL))) (Bell (Ctrl-G)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(BS))) (Backspace (Ctrl-H)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(TAB))) (Horizontal Tab (HT) (Ctrl-I)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(LF))) (Line Feed or New Line (NL) (Ctrl-J)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(VT))) (Vertical Tab (Ctrl-K) same as bf(tt(LF))) P()\ dl(bf(tt(FF))) (Form Feed or New Page (NP) (Ctrl-L) same as bf(tt(LF))) P()\ dl(bf(tt(CR))) (Carriage Return (Ctrl-M)) P()\ dl(bf(tt(SO))) (Shift Out (Ctrl-N), invokes the G1 character set. nl()\ Switch to Alternate Character Set) P()\ dl(bf(tt(SI))) (Shift In (Ctrl-O), invokes the G0 character set (the default) nl()\ Switch to Standard Character Set) P()\ dl(bf(tt(SPC))) (Space Character) enddl()