#! perl =head1 NAME readline - improve readline editing =head1 DESCRIPTION A support package that tries to make editing with readline easier. At the moment, it reacts to clicking shift-left mouse button by trying to move the text cursor to this position. It does so by generating as many cursor-left or cursor-right keypresses as required (this only works for programs that correctly support wide characters). To avoid too many false positives, this is only done when: =over 4 =item - the tty is in ICANON state. =item - the text cursor is visible. =item - the primary screen is currently being displayed. =item - the mouse is on the same (multi-row-) line as the text cursor. =back The normal selection mechanism isn't disabled, so quick successive clicks might interfere with selection creation in harmless ways. =cut use POSIX (); my $termios = new POSIX::Termios; sub on_init { my ($self) = @_; $self->{enabled} = 1; push @{ $self->{term}{option_popup_hook} }, sub { ("readline" => $self->{enabled}, sub { $self->{enabled} = shift }) }; () } sub on_button_press { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->current_screen || $self->hidden_cursor || !$self->{enabled} and return; my $mask = $self->ModLevel3Mask | $self->ModMetaMask | urxvt::ShiftMask | urxvt::ControlMask; ($event->{state} & $mask) == urxvt::ShiftMask or return; $termios->getattr ($self->pty_fd) or return; $termios->getlflag & &POSIX::ICANON and return; my ($row, $col) = $self->screen_cur; my $line = $self->line ($row); my $cur = $line->offset_of ($row, $col); my $ofs = $line->offset_of ($event->{row}, $event->{col}); $ofs >= 0 && $ofs < $line->l or return; my $diff = $ofs - $cur; my $move; if ($diff < 0) { ($ofs, $cur) = ($cur, $ofs); $move = "\x1b[D"; } else { $move = "\x1b[C"; } my $skipped = substr $line->t, $cur, $ofs - $cur; $skipped =~ s/\x{ffff}//g; $self->tt_write ($move x length $skipped); 1 }