#!/opt/bin/perl # # Copyright(C) 2014 Marc Alexander Lehmann # # vt102 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later # version. # # vt102 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # If this file contains embedded ROMs, the above copyright notice does # not apply to them. use strict; #use common::sense; my $VT102 = 1; my $VT131 = 0; my $AVO = 1; my $KBD = 1; shift, ($VT102 = 0), ($AVO = 0) if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-vt100$/; shift, ($VT102 = 0) if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-vt100\+avo$/; shift if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-vt102$/; shift, ($VT131 = 1) if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-vt131$/; if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { die < EOF } ############################################################################# # ROM/hardware init my $ROMS = do { binmode DATA; local $/; }; 0x6801 == length $ROMS or die "corrupted rom image"; binmode STDOUT; my @M = (0xff) x 65536; # main memory, = (0xff) x 65536; # populate mem with rom contents if ($VT102) { @M[0x0000 .. 0x1fff] = unpack "C*", substr $ROMS, 0x2000, 0x2000; @M[0x8000 .. 0x9fff] = unpack "C*", substr $ROMS, 0x4000, 0x2000; @M[0xa000 .. 0xa7ff] = unpack "C*", substr $ROMS, 0x6000, 0x0800 if $VT131; } else { @M[0x0000 .. 0x1fff] = unpack "C*", substr $ROMS, 0x0000, 0x2000; } ############################################################################# # 8085 CPU registers and I/O support my $PTY; # the pty we allocated, if any # 8080/8085 registers # b, c, d, e, h, l, a my ($A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $H, $L, $A); my ($PC, $SP, $IFF, $FA, $FZ, $FS, $FP, $FC); my $RST = 0; # 8080 pending interrupts my $INTMASK = 7; # 8085 half interrupts my $INTPEND = 0; # 8085 half interrupts my $x; # dummy temp for instructions my $CLK; # rather inexact clock ############################################################################# # the dreaded NVR1400 chip. not needed to get it going, but provided anyway # nvram my @NVR = (0x3fff) x 100; # vt102: 214e accum, 214f only lower 8 bit used, first 44 bytes my $NVRADDR; my $NVRDATA; my $NVRLATCH; my @NVRCMD = ( sub { $NVRDATA = ($NVRDATA << 1) + $_[1]; }, # 0 accept data sub { $NVRADDR = ($NVRADDR << 1) + $_[1]; }, # 1 accept addr sub { ($NVRDATA <<= 1) & 0x4000 }, # 2 shift out undef, # 3 not used, will barf sub { $NVR[$_[0]] = $NVRDATA & 0x3fff; }, # 4 write sub { $NVR[$_[0]] = 0x3fff; }, # 5 erase sub { $NVRDATA = $NVR[$_[0]]; }, # 6 read sub { }, # 7 standby ); my @bitidx; $bitidx[1 << $_] = 9 - $_ for 0..9; # the nvr1400 state machine. what a monster sub nvr() { my $a1 = $bitidx[(~$NVRADDR ) & 0x3ff]; my $a0 = $bitidx[(~$NVRADDR >> 10) & 0x3ff]; # printf "NVR %02x A %020b %d %d D %02x\n", $NVRLATCH, $NVRADDR & 0xfffff, $a1, $a0, $NVRDATA; $NVRCMD[($NVRLATCH >> 1) & 7]($a1 * 10 + $a0, $NVRLATCH & 1) } ############################################################################# # I/O ports - output my $DC11_REVERSE = 0; my $XON = 1; # false if terminal wants us to pause my $PUSARTCMD; my @KXMIT; # current scan queue my %KXMIT; # currently pressed keys my @KQUEUE; # key event queue my $KXCNT; # count for debouncew my @PUSARTRECV; my $KSTATUS; sub out_00 { # pusartdata # handle xon/xoff, but also pass it through if ($_[0] == 0x13) { $XON = 0; return;#d# } elsif ($_[0] == 0x11) { $XON = 1; return;#d# } syswrite $PTY, chr $_[0]; $INTPEND |= 1; } sub out_01 { $PUSARTCMD = shift; $INTPEND |= 1 if $PUSARTCMD & 0x01; # VT102, 5.5 txrdy $INTPEND |= 2 if $PUSARTCMD & 0x04 && !@PUSARTRECV; # VT102, 6.5 rxrdy, needed for some reason } sub out_02 { } # baudrate generator sub out_23 { } # unknown sub out_27 { } # unknown sub out_2f { } # unknown, connected to in 0f sub out_42 { } # brightness sub out_62 { $NVRLATCH = shift; } sub out_a2 { my $dc11 = 0x0f & shift; $DC11_REVERSE = 1 if $dc11 == 0b1010; $DC11_REVERSE = 0 if $dc11 == 0b1011; } sub out_c2 { } # unknown sub out_d2 { } # 0..3 == 80c/132c/60hz/50hz sub out_82 { # keyboard # CLICK STARTSCAN ONLINE LOCKED | CTS DSR INS L1 # CLICK STARTSCAN ONLINE LOCKED | L1 L2 L3 L4 $KSTATUS = $_[0]; # start new scan unless scan in progress if (($_[0] & 0x40) && !@KXMIT) { # do not reply with keys in locked mode # or during post (0xff), # mostly to skip init and not fail POST, # and to send startup keys only when terminal is ready unless (($_[0] & 0x10) || ($_[0] == 0xff) || ($VT102 && $INTMASK == 0x07)) { if ($KXCNT <= 0 && @KQUEUE) { my $c = shift @KQUEUE; if ($c < 0) { # key up delete $KXMIT{-$c}; $KXCNT = 10; } elsif ($c > 0) { # key down undef $KXMIT{$c}; $KXCNT = 10; } else { # delay $KXCNT = 100; } } --$KXCNT; @KXMIT = sort keys %KXMIT; } $RST |= 1; } } ############################################################################# # I/O ports - input my $NVRBIT; my $LBA6; # twice the frequenxy of LBA7 sub in_00 { # pusart data # interrupt not generated here, because infinite # speed does not go well with the vt102. shift @PUSARTRECV } sub in_01 { # pusart status # DSR SYNDET FE OE | PE TXEMPTY RXRDY TXRDY 0x85 + (@PUSARTRECV && 0x02) } sub in_22 { # modem buffer(?) # wild guess: -CTS -SPDI -RI -CD 0 0 0 0 0x20 } sub in_0f { 0xff } # vt102 unknown, connected to out 2f sub in_42 { # flag buffer ++$LBA6; $NVRBIT = nvr ? 0x20 : 0x00 if ($LBA6 & 0x3) == 0x2; # KBD_XMITEMPTY LBA7 NVRDATA ODDFIELD - OPTION !GFX !AVO PUSART_TXRDY my $f = 0x85 | $NVRBIT; $f |= 0x02 unless $AVO; $f |= 0x40 if $LBA6 & 0x2; $f } sub in_82 { # tbmt keyboard uart return 0x7f unless @KXMIT; $RST |= 1; shift @KXMIT } sub in_03 { 0xff } # vt102 unknown, printer uart input? sub in_0b { 0xff } # vt102 unknown sub in_17 { 0xff } # vt102 unknown, printer status clear by reading? sub in_1b { 0xff } # vt102 unknown ############################################################################# # 8085 cpu opcodes and flag handling sub sf { # set flags (ZSC - AP not implemented) $FS = $_[0] & 0x080; $FZ = !($_[0] & 0x0ff); $FC = $_[0] & 0x100; $_[0] &= 0xff; } sub sf8 { # set flags (ZSC - AP not implemented) $FS = $_[0] & 0x080; $FZ = !($_[0] & 0x0ff); $FC = 0; } sub sf_nc { # set flags except carry $FS = $_[0] & 0x080; $FZ = ($_[0] & 0x0ff) == 0; $_[0] &= 0xff; } my @op = map { sprintf "status(); die 'unknown op %02x'", $_ } 0x00 .. 0xff; my @reg = qw($B $C $D $E $H $L $M[$H*256+$L] $A); my @cc = ('if !$FZ', 'if $FZ', 'if !$FC', 'if $FC', ';die', ';die', 'if !$FS', 'if $FS'); # die == unimplemented $FP parity $op[0x00] = ''; # mov r,r / r,M / M,r for my $s (0..7) { for my $d (0..7) { $op[0x40 + $d * 8 + $s] = "$reg[$d] = $reg[$s]"; # mov } } $op[0x76] = 'die "HLT"'; # hlt (mov m,m) # mvi r / M $op[0x06 + $_ * 8] = "$reg[$_] = IMM8" for 0..7; $op[0x01] = '($B, $C) = (IMM16 >> 8, IMM16 & 0xff)'; # lxi $op[0x11] = '($D, $E) = (IMM16 >> 8, IMM16 & 0xff)'; # lxi $op[0x21] = '($H, $L) = (IMM16 >> 8, IMM16 & 0xff)'; # lxi $op[0x31] = '$SP = IMM16' ; # lxi $op[0x02] = '$M[$B * 256 + $C] = $A'; # stax $op[0x12] = '$M[$D * 256 + $E] = $A'; # stax $op[0x32] = '$M[IMM16 ] = $A'; # sta $op[0x0a] = '$A = $M[$B * 256 + $C]'; # ldax b $op[0x1a] = '$A = $M[$D * 256 + $E]'; # ldax d $op[0x3a] = '$A = $M[IMM16]'; # lda $op[0x22] = '($M[IMM16], $M[IMM16 + 1]) = ($L, $H)'; # shld $op[0x2a] = '($L, $H) = ($M[IMM16], $M[IMM16 + 1])'; # lhld sub inxdcx($$$) { $x = $_[0] * 256 + $_[1] + $_[2]; ($_[0], $_[1]) = (($x >> 8) & 0xff, $x & 0xff); } $op[0x03] = 'inxdcx $B, $C, 1'; # inx $op[0x13] = 'inxdcx $D, $E, 1'; # inx $op[0x23] = 'inxdcx $H, $L, 1'; # inx $op[0x33] = '$SP++' ; # inx $op[0x0b] = 'inxdcx $B, $C, -1'; # dcx $op[0x1b] = 'inxdcx $D, $E, -1'; # dcx $op[0x2b] = 'inxdcx $H, $L, -1'; # dcx $op[0x3b] = '--$SP' ; # dcx # "no carry" doesn't seem to be needed for vt100 - optimize? $op[0x04 + $_ * 8] = "sf_nc ++$reg[$_]" for 0..7; # inr $op[0x05 + $_ * 8] = "sf_nc --$reg[$_]" for 0..7; # dcr $op[0x07] = ' $FC = $A & 0x80; $A = (($A << 1) + ($FC && 0x01)) & 0xff '; # rlc $op[0x17] = ' ($FC, $A) = ($A & 0x80, (($A << 1) + ($FC && 0x01)) & 0xff)'; # ral $op[0x0f] = ' $FC = $A & 0x01; $A = ($A >> 1) | ($FC && 0x80) '; # rrc $op[0x1f] = ' ($FC, $A) = ($A & 0x01, ($A >> 1) | ($FC && 0x80))'; # rar $op[0x2f] = '$A ^= 0xff'; # cma # getting this insn wrong (its the only 16 bit insn to modify flags) # wasted three of my best days with mindless vt102 rom reverse engineering sub dad { $x = $H * 256 + $L + $_[0]; ($H, $L) = (($x >> 8) & 0xff, $x & 0xff); $FC = $x > 0xffff; } $op[0x09] = 'dad $B * 256 + $C'; # dad $op[0x19] = 'dad $D * 256 + $E'; # dad $op[0x29] = 'dad $H * 256 + $L'; # dad $op[0x39] = 'dad $SP '; # dad $op[0x80 + $_] = 'sf $A += + ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # add $op[0x88 + $_] = 'sf $A += ($FC && 1) + ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # adc $op[0x90 + $_] = 'sf $A -= + ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # sub $op[0x98 + $_] = 'sf $A -= ($FC && 1) + ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # sbb $op[0xa0 + $_] = 'sf8 $A &= ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # ana $op[0xa8 + $_] = 'sf8 $A ^= ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # xra $op[0xb0 + $_] = 'sf8 $A |= ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # ora $op[0xb8 + $_] = 'sf $x = $A - ' . $reg[$_] for 0..7; # cmp # possible todo: optimize ora a, maybe xra a $op[0xc6] = 'sf $A += IMM8'; # adi # ce ADI NYI $op[0xd6] = 'sf $A -= IMM8'; # sui # de SBI NYI $op[0xe6] = 'sf8 $A &= IMM8'; # ani $op[0xee] = 'sf8 $A ^= IMM8'; # xri $op[0xf6] = 'sf8 $A |= IMM8'; # ori $op[0xfe] = 'sf $A - IMM8'; # cpi $op[0xc5] = 'PUSH $B; PUSH $C'; $op[0xd5] = 'PUSH $D; PUSH $E'; $op[0xe5] = 'PUSH $H; PUSH $L'; $op[0xf5] = 'PUSH $A; PUSH +($FS && 0x80) | ($FZ && 0x40) | ($FA && 0x10) | ($FP && 0x04) | ($FC && 0x01)'; # psw $op[0xc1] = '($C, $B) = (POP, POP)'; # pop $op[0xd1] = '($E, $D) = (POP, POP)'; # pop $op[0xe1] = '($L, $H) = (POP, POP)'; # pop $op[0xf1] = '($x, $A) = (POP, POP); ($FS, $FZ, $FA, $FP, $FC) = ($x & 0x80, $x & 0x40, $x & 0x10, $x & 0x04, $x & 0x01)'; # pop psw $op[0xc2 + $_ * 8] = 'BRA IMM16 ' . $cc[$_] for 0..7; # jcc $op[0xc3] = 'JMP IMM16'; # jmp $op[0xc4 + $_ * 8] = '(PUSH PC >> 8), (PUSH PC & 0xff), (BRA IMM16) ' . $cc[$_] for 0..7; # ccc $op[0xcd] = '(PUSH PC >> 8), (PUSH PC & 0xff), (BRA IMM16)'; # call $op[0xc0 + $_ * 8] = 'BRA POP + POP * 256 ' . $cc[$_] for 0..7; # rcc $op[0xc9] = 'JMP POP + POP * 256'; # ret $op[0xc7 + $_ * 8] = "JMP $_ * 8" for 0..7; # rst $op[0xe9] = 'JMP $H * 256 + $L'; # pchl # f9 SPHL NYI $op[0x37] = '$FC = 1 '; # stc $op[0x3f] = '$FC = !$FC'; # cmc $op[0xd3] = 'OUT'; # out $op[0xdb] = 'IN'; # in $op[0xeb] = '($D, $E, $H, $L) = ($H, $L, $D, $E)'; # xchg # e3 xthl NYI # @ 917b, hl <-> (sp) $op[0x20] = '$A = $INTPEND * 16 + $INTMASK + ($IFF && 8)'; # rim (incomplete) $op[0x30] = '$INTMASK = $A & 7 if $A & 8'; # sim (incomplete) $op[0xf3] = '$IFF = 0'; # DI $op[0xfb] = '$IFF = 1'; # EI # yeah, the fucking setup screens actually use daa... $op[0x27] = ' my ($h, $l); ($h, $l) = ($A >> 4, $A & 15); if ($l > 9 || $FA) { sf $A += 6; ($h, $l) = ($A >> 4, $A & 15); } if ($h > 9 || $FC) { $h += 6; $A = ($h * 16 + $l) & 0xff; } '; # daa, almost certainly borked, also, acarry not set by sf ############################################################################# # print cpu status for debugging purposes # print cpu status, for debugging sub status { my $PC = shift || $PC; printf "%04x/%04x A=%02x BC=%02x:%02x DE=%02x:%02x HL=%02x:%02x ZSCAP=%s: %02x %s\n", $PC, $SP, $A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $H, $L, ($FZ ? "1" : "0") . ($FS ? "1" : "0") . ($FC ? "1" : "0") . ($FA ? "1" : "0") . ($FP ? "1" : "0"), $M[$PC], $op[$M[$PC]]; } ############################################################################# # video emulation my @CHARMAP = ( " " , "\x{29eb}", "\x{2592}", "\x{2409}", "\x{240c}", "\x{240d}", "\x{240a}", "\x{00b0}", "\x{00b1}", "\x{2424}", "\x{240b}", "\x{2518}", "\x{2510}", "\x{250c}", "\x{2514}", "\x{253c}", "\x{23ba}", "\x{23bb}", "\x{2500}", "\x{23bc}", "\x{23bd}", "\x{251c}", "\x{2524}", "\x{2534}", "\x{252c}", "\x{2502}", "\x{2264}", "\x{2265}", "\x{03c0}", "\x{2260}", "\x{00a3}", "\x{00b7}", (map chr, 0x020 .. 0x7e), ); utf8::encode $_ for @CHARMAP; my @SGR; # sgr sequences for attributes for (0x00 .. 0xff) { my $sgr = ""; # ~1 sgr 5 blink # ~2 sgr 4 underline # ~4 sgr 1 bold # 0x80 in attr, sgr 7, reversed $sgr .= ";5" unless $_ & 0x01; $sgr .= ";4" unless $_ & 0x02; $sgr .= ";1" unless $_ & 0x04; $sgr .= ";7" if $_ & 0x80; $SGR[$_] = "\e[${sgr}m"; } my @LED = $VT102 ? qw(L1 INSERT DSR CTS LOCKED LOCAL SCAN BEEP) : qw(L4 L3 L2 L1 LOCKED LOCAL SCAN BEEP); # display screen sub display { my $i = 0x2000; my $leds = join " ", map $KSTATUS & 2**$_ ? "\e[7m$LED[$_]\e[m" : "$LED[$_]", reverse 0 .. $#LED; my $scr = sprintf "\e[H--- LED [ %s ] CLK %d\e[K\n", $leds, $CLK; $scr .= "\e[?5" . ($DC11_REVERSE ? "h" : "l"); line: for my $y (0 .. 25) { # ntsc, two vblank delay lines, up to 24 text lines my $prev_sgr; $scr .= sprintf "%2d \xe2\x94\x82", $y; for (0..139) { my $c = $M[$i]; if ($c == 0x7f) { # also 0xff, but the firmware avoids that $scr .= "\e[m\xe2\x94\x82\e[K\n"; my $a1 = $M[$i + 1]; my $a0 = $M[$i + 2]; $i = 0x2000 + (($a1 * 256 + $a0) & 0xfff); next line; } my $sgr = $SGR[ ($M[$i++ + 0x1000] & 15) | ($c & 0x80)]; $scr .= $prev_sgr = $sgr if $sgr ne $prev_sgr; $scr .= $CHARMAP[$c & 0x7f]; } $scr .= "\e[K\nvideo overflow\e[K\n"; last; } $scr .= "\e[m\e[J"; syswrite STDOUT, $scr; } ############################################################################# # keyboard handling # 0x080 shift, 0x100 ctrl my %KEYMAP = ( "\t" => 0x3a, "\r" => 0x64, "\n" => 0x44, "\x00" => 0x77 | 0x100, # CTRL-SPACE "\x1c" => 0x45 | 0x100, # CTRL-\ "\x1d" => 0x14 | 0x100, # CTRL-] "\x1e" => 0x24 | 0x100, # CTRL-~ "\x1f" => 0x75 | 0x100, # CTRL-? # hardcoded rxvt keys "\e" => 0x2a, # ESC "\e[3~" => 0x03, # DC "\e[5~" => 0x7e, # CAPS LOCK (prior) "\e[6~" => 0x6a, # NO SCROLL (next) "\e[A" => 0x30, # UP "\e[B" => 0x22, # DOWN "\e[C" => 0x10, # RIGHT "\e[D" => 0x20, # LEFT "\e[a" => 0x30 | 0x080, # UP "\e[b" => 0x22 | 0x080, # DOWN "\e[c" => 0x10 | 0x080, # RIGHT "\e[d" => 0x20 | 0x080, # LEFT "\e[7~" => 0x7b, # SETUP (home) "\e[8~" => 0x23, # BREAK (end) "\e[8\$" => 0x23 | 0x080, # SHIFT BREAK / DISCONNECT (shift-end) "\x7f" => 0x33, # BACKSPACE "\e[11~" => 0x32, # F1 "\e[11~" => 0x42, # F2 "\e[11~" => 0x31, # F3 "\e[11~" => 0x41, # F4 ); @KEYMAP{map chr, 0x20 .. 0x40, 0x5b .. 0x7e} = unpack "C*", pack "H*", "779ad5a9a8b8a755a6b5b6b466256575" . "351a3929283837273626d656e634e5f5" . "b9" # 20..40 . "154514b7a5" . "244a6879591949485816574746766706" . "050a185a0817780969077a95c594a4"; # 5b..7e $KEYMAP{"\x1f" & $_} ||= $KEYMAP{$_} | 0x100 for "a" .. "z"; # ctrl $KEYMAP{"\x20" ^ $_} ||= $KEYMAP{$_} | 0x080 for "a" .. "z"; # shift my $KEYMATCH = join "|", map quotemeta, reverse sort keys %KEYMAP; $KEYMATCH = qr{^($KEYMATCH)}s; my %KMOD; sub key { my ($key) = @_; push @KQUEUE, -0x7c if !($key & 0x100) && delete $KMOD{0x7c}; # ctrl-up push @KQUEUE, -0x7d if !($key & 0x080) && delete $KMOD{0x7d}; # shift-up push @KQUEUE, 0x7c if $key & 0x100 && !$KMOD{0x7c}++; # ctrl-down push @KQUEUE, 0x7d if $key & 0x080 && !$KMOD{0x7d}++; # shift-down $key &= 0x7f; push @KQUEUE, $key, -$key; } my $STDIN_BUF; sub stdin_parse { key $KEYMAP{$1} while $STDIN_BUF =~ s/$KEYMATCH//; # skip input we can't decipher substr $STDIN_BUF, 0, 1, ""; } if ($KBD) { system "stty -icanon -icrnl -inlcr -echo min 1 time 0"; eval q{ sub END { system "stty sane" } }; $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = sub { exit 1 }; } ############################################################################# # initial key input, to set up online mode etc. # could be done via nvram defaults @KQUEUE = ( 0x7b, -0x7b, # setup 0, # delay 0x28, -0x28, # 4, toggle local/online 0x38, -0x38, # 5, setup b 0, # delay (0x10, -0x10) x 2, # cursor right 0x37, -0x37, # 6 toggle soft scroll (0x10, -0x10) x 1, # cursor right 0x37, -0x37, # 6 toggle autorepeat off (0x10, -0x10) x 8, # cursor right 0x37, -0x37, # 6 toggle keyclick (0x10, -0x10) x 1, # cursor right $VT102 ? () : (0x37, -0x37), # 6 toggle ansi/vt52 (0x10, -0x10) x 7, # cursor right 0x37, -0x37, # 6 toggle wrap around 0x7b, -0x7b, # leave setup ); ############################################################################# # process/pty management require IO::Pty; $PTY = IO::Pty->new; my $slave = $PTY->slave; $PTY->set_winsize (24, 80); unless (fork) { $ENV{TERM} = $VT102 ? "vt102" : "vt100"; close $PTY; open STDIN , "<&", $slave; open STDOUT, ">&", $slave; open STDERR, ">&", $slave; system "stty ixoff erase ^H"; $PTY->make_slave_controlling_terminal; $PTY->close_slave; @ARGV = "sh" unless @ARGV; exec @ARGV; } $PTY->close_slave; ############################################################################# # the actual hardware simulator my @ICACHE; # compiled instruction cache while () { # execute extended basic blocks $PC = ($ICACHE[$PC] ||= do { my $pc = $PC; my $insn = ""; # the jit compiler for (0..31) { my $imm; my $op = $op[$M[$pc++]]; for ($op) { s/\bPUSH\b/\$M[--\$SP] =/g; # push byte to stack s/\bPOP\b/\$M[\$SP++]/g; # pop byte from stack s/\bIMM16\b/$imm \/\/= $M[$pc++] + $M[$pc++] * 256/xge; # 16 bit insn immediate s/\bIMM8\b /$imm \/\/= $M[$pc++] /xge; # 8 bit insn immediate s/\bPC\b/$pc/ge; # PC at end of insn s/\bBRA\b/return/g; # conditional jump s/\bJMP\b(.*)/$1\x00/sg; # unconditional jump s/\bIN\b/ sprintf "\$A = in_%02x", $M[$pc++]/xge; s/\bOUT\b/sprintf "out_%02x \$A ", $M[$pc++]/xge; } $insn .= "$op;\n"; } $insn .= $pc; $insn =~ s/\x00.*$//s; eval "use integer; sub { $insn }" or die "$insn: $@" })->(); ++$CLK; # things we do from time too time only unless ($CLK & 0xf) { # do I/O unless ($CLK & 0xfff) { # pty/serial I/O unless ((@PUSARTRECV >= 128) || @KQUEUE || !$PTY) { my $rin = ""; (vec $rin, fileno $PTY, 1) = 1; if (select $rin, undef, undef, 0) { sysread $PTY, my $buf, 256; push @PUSARTRECV, unpack "C*", $buf; } } # keyboard input if ($KBD) { while (select my $rin = "\x01", undef, undef, 0) { sysread STDIN, $STDIN_BUF, 1, length $STDIN_BUF or last; } stdin_parse if length $STDIN_BUF; } } # kick off various interrupts $RST |= 2 if @PUSARTRECV && $XON; # VT100, but works on vt102, too (probably not used on real hardware though) #$INTPEND |= 2 if @PUSARTRECV && $XON; # VT102, 6.5 rxrdy # kick off vertical retrace form time to time unless ($CLK & 0x1ff) { $RST |= 4; # vertical retrace } # handle video hardware unless ($CLK & 0x3fff) { display; } } # the interrupt logic if (($RST || ($INTPEND & ~$INTMASK)) && $IFF) { # rst 1 kbd data available # rst 2 pusart xmit+recv flag # rst 4 vertical retrace # 5.5 vt125 mb7 trans ready (serial send?) # 6.5 vt125 mb7 read ready (something modem?) # 7.5 vt125 mb7 vblank h(?) # trap vt125 mbi init h(?) my $vec; $x = $INTPEND & ~$INTMASK; if ($x & 1) { $vec = 0x2c; $INTPEND &= ~1; } elsif ($x & 2) { $vec = 0x34; $INTPEND &= ~2; } elsif ($x & 4) { $vec = 0x3c; $INTPEND &= ~4; # } elsif ($RST ) { $vec = $RST * 8; $RST = 0; # the vt102 firmware doesn't like combined interrupts } elsif ($RST & 1) { $vec = 0x08; $RST &= ~1; # separate is better for vt102 } elsif ($RST & 2) { $vec = 0x10; $RST &= ~2; } elsif ($RST & 4) { $vec = 0x20; $RST &= ~4; } else { die; } $M[--$SP] = $PC >> 8; $M[--$SP] = $PC & 0xff; $PC = $vec; $IFF = 0; } } ############################################################################# # roms in the data section + one newline # # vt100 @ 0x0000+0x0800 23-032E2 # vt100 @ 0x0800+0x0800 23-061E2 # vt100 @ 0x1000+0x0800 23-033E2 # vt100 @ 0x1800+0x0800 23-034E2 # # vt102 @ 0x0000+0x2000 23-226E4 # vt102 @ 0x8000+0x2000 23-225E4 # # vt131 @ 0xa000+0x0800 23-280E2 # __DATA__ 1N ;0>b/BWog/2!b>>>ӂ xӂ:h zW͢uۂG|g$>% !h w-!h >-4!j pO:{ y:! u:x!_yA[>y >yA[>?y@ :x!žyA[P>>O[>>[Î:!ʵyA>>OlyAPÇ!:!S!h ~ ~ >%: O͓: Ô!20!2!!!yAG~"&=w< w:!/!!A:!Ey2!~1N ! ~eBi<2!͢:P =2S!~6ʘ!!6 2!0* w4ʘ> 2! ~î!N ̓/2!! 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