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t/ (from 00-load.t/1.2) Renamed Net::Chat::JSON to Net::Bummskraut for a more unique release name. Yay, google doesn't yet know 'bummskraut' :-) Also added some documentation and lots of other stuff, eg. backend-side configuration and lots of other stuff...
bin/ (from bummskraut_server/1.12) fixed up the gui and implemented debugging log
TODO 1.30 (17 years ago) by elmex: fixed cfg:perl and added data::dumper there. added update interval for XMPP
Makefile.PL 1.7 (17 years ago) by elmex: implemented XMPP finally!
MANIFEST 1.2 (17 years ago) by elmex: Renamed Net::Chat::JSON to Net::Bummskraut for a more unique release name. Yay, google doesn't yet know 'bummskraut' :-) Also added some documentation and lots of other stuff, eg. backend-side configuration and lots of other stuff...
Changes 1.2 (17 years ago) by elmex: added some documentation and changed organisation of some files.
3 directories and 4 files shown