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eg/ (from mapread/1.1) Crossfire module made (dead) 1.2 (17 years ago) by root: huh?
cfarch2html 1.19 (16 years ago) by root: deliantrify
cfmap2html 1.40 (14 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
cfmap2png 1.28 (14 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
cfmapidx 1.14 (14 years ago) by root: - support map tags in cfmap2html and cfmapidx - reorganise index database, reduces db size considerably - support stop words and "stop attributes" - look into object inventories for cfmapidx - speed up cfmapidx - skip world-precomposed in cfmapidx
cfupdate 1.42 (14 years ago) by root: improve fishy
cfworldmap 1.8 (14 years ago) by root: better error reporting, cf-extended hacks
common.css 1.13 (14 years ago) by root: support map thumbnails
overlay.css 1.4 (18 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
plain.css 1.1 (18 years ago) by root: *** empty log message ***
1 directory and 10 files shown