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t/ (from 00-load.t/1.3) updated load test
samples/ (from room_lister/1.5) fixed some other bugs....
write_load_test 1.2 (17 years ago) by elmex: fixed it
check_manifest 1.1 (17 years ago) by elmex: documentation update
TODO 1.35 (17 years ago) by elmex: removed a bogus todo item
README 1.9 (17 years ago) by elmex: typo
Makefile.PL 1.4 (17 years ago) by elmex: lots of changes. added as_string to Net::XMPP2::Node to restore the original xml document part of a stanza or subtree. also implemented the jabber component protocol.
MANIFEST 1.9 (17 years ago) by elmex: fixing up for release of 0.04
Changes 1.30 (17 years ago) by elmex: this is version 0.04 finally
3 directories and 7 files shown