this is version 0.04 finally
added changes entry for last commit
added example for registration to documentation
implemented OOB and fixed bugs in Disco and further developed in band registration.
Release of version 0.03
changed subscription semantics
documentation update
added sax event generator for Net::XMPP2::Node. now other people got the serious ability to interface nicely with Net::XMPP2 by either generating the original stanza string and parsing it or let $node->to_sax_events () generate their DOM tree.
lots of changes. added as_string to Net::XMPP2::Node to restore the original xml document part of a stanza or subtree. also implemented the jabber component protocol.
added initial_presence argument to the IM::Connection and the Client. added and upgraded some examples. further work on the registration forms.
fixed minor issue with disco
added send_*_hook event hooks
finished up the next release.
further improved devcl and added iq_xml
added development client example
some changes...
fixed error in bind iq handling
added room listing sample
fixed some bugs, redesigned disco mechanism, probably added some bugs, added samples/disco_test example.
implemented dataforms - phew! that was a bullet of work
added limit_searcher
fixed documentation broken link
added first real example
fixed some typos and such
last changes and now it's uploaded to CPAN!
major documentation refresh. preparing for release
some minor changes and bugfixes
lots of changes. added roster retrival
implemented TLS!
initial checkin.
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